Information for Users

Neural Circuits Equipment Fees

EquipmentHourly Cost
Confocal Microscope$33.12 
LaVision Lightsheet Microscope$33.12 
LaVision Lightsheet off peak hours$16.56



Behavioral Testing Equipment Fees


Hourly Cost

Weekly Cost

Acoustic Startle Response/PPI



Includes: equipment, room, software (SR-Lab)
Activity Monitoring



Includes: equipment, room, & housing
Anxiety & Stress (EZM,EPM,OFT,TST,FST,LD)



Includes: equipment, room, & video recording
Camera Recording Room



Includes: room & video recording
Conditioned Place Preference



Includes: equipment, room, & video recording
Fear Conditioning



Includes: equipment, room, video recording, & software (FreezeScan)
Mazes (T, Y, Barnes)



Includes: equipment, room, & video recording
Object Recognition



Includes: equipment, room, video recording, & software (EthovisionXT)
Operant Conditioning (Nose-Poke or Touch Screen)



Includes: equipment, room, & software (AbettII)
Motor Performance (Rotarod, Balance Beam, Digigait, Grip Strength)



Includes: equipment & room



Includes: equipment, room, & software
Three-Chamber Social Task



Includes: equipment, room, video recording, & software (EthovisionXT)

Animal Housing Fees


Weekly Cost

Acclimate Housing (900 LIGHTS ON/2100 LIGHTS OFF)

OAR per diem

Inverted Light-Cycle Housing (900 LIGHTS OFF/2100 LIGHTS ON)

OAR per diem

Non-Standard Static (Short-Term) Housing


Surgery Suite Fees


Hourly Cost

Stereotax with digital readout and stereomicroscope


Dual Arm Stereotax


Perfusion Hood (Somnosuite)


Data & Video Analysis Fees

All data & video analysis must be done on the designated NCBC computer.


Hourly Cost

Ethovision XT, Digigait Analysis, FreezeScan


Imaris (including: Stitcher, Coloc, and FilamentTracer modules)
